Panel participants GJFC 2015 Regina Improvisation Studies Centre: Improvisation, Community, Indigineity (GJFC 2015)

IICSI hosted the panel showcase Regina Improvisation Studies Centre: Improvisation, Community, Indigineity at the 2015 Guelph Jazz Festival Colloquium. The panel was moderated by Patrick Case, the director of the Human Rights and Equity Office of the University of Guelph.

Rebecca Caines (University of Regina), Jo-Ann Episkenew (IPHRC/ University of Regina) and Erin Goodpipe (University of Regina) presented”Acting Out! But in a Good Way!,” an arts-based health research (ABHR) project taking place in First Nations communities in Saskatchewan.  Rick Kotowich (Native Health Services, Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region) presented the paper “Improvising with iPads: Using Improv Games and Music Making to Affirm Aboriginal Cultural Expression, Build Community, and Foster Creativity to Enhance Well-being in Healthcare Settings.” And Charity Marsh (University of Regina) presented “‘Ignite the Future/ Joined by the Past’: Global Youth Empowerment through Hip Hop Improvisations.”