“Like A Cry You Wanted to Answer”

Monday, March 14th, 2016 | 3:30pm
University of Guelph, MacKinnon 234

photo of Ernst-Ludwig Petrowsky.

Ernst-Ludwig Petrowsky

The School of Languages and Literatures and the History Department Public Lecture Series present Harald Kisiedu,Like A Cry You Wanted to Answer“: Ernst-Ludwig Petrowsky and the Emergence of Jazz Experimentalism in East Germany.

Photo of IICSI postdoctoral fellow, Harald Kisiedu.

Harald Kisiedu

Harald Kisiedu is a historical musicologist who specializes in twentieth-century music. His dissertation is entitled “European Echoes: Jazz Experimentalism in Germany, 1950-1975.” Kisiedu’s research focuses on jazz as a global phenomenon, Afro-diasporic music, transnationalism, black experimentalism, the European avant-garde, and the intersection between music and politics. As a postdoctoral fellow at the International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation, he is revising and expanding his dissertation for book publication.

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