
The International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation brings together a dynamic international research team of 58 scholars from 30 academic institutions. The project team includes postdoctoral fellows, students, research associates, as well as over 40 community research partners. Currently, there are eight formal research sites: University of Guelph; Carleton University; McGill University; Memorial University; Queen’s University Belfast; 17, Institute of Critical Studies; University of British Columbia; and University of Regina. Below are the Research Team members involved in some capacity during some or all of the grant periods listed below.


Founding Director

ajay heble

Ajay Heble

Founding Director

Improvising Futures Research Team (2022–2027)

Improvising Futures (IF) is a 5-year SSHRC-Funded Partnership Grant (2022-2027), housed at the International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation (IICSI) at Guelph University, that asks questions about the future of our world: can we improve the social, environmental, cultural, and spiritual well-being of everyone through improvisatory practices? IF builds on work carried out previously by IICSI, namely through the ICASP project (Improvisation, Community and Social Practice, 2007-2012) and our previous partnership grant (2012-2022), through which we established IICSI. 

Taiwo Afolabi

University of Regina

Madhur Anand

University of Guelph

Phanuel Antwi

University of British Columbia

Joel Bakan

Joel Bakan

University of British Columbia

Lisa Barg

Lisa Barg

McGill University

Paul Barrett

University of Guelph

Jessica Bissett Perea

University of California, Davis

Stacey Bliss

University of Regina

David Brackett

David Brackett

McGill University

Dustin Brass

First Nations University of Canada

Peter Burton

Suoni Per Il Popolo

rebecca caines

Rebecca Caines

Site Coordinator, University of Regina

Claire Carter

University of Regina

Adrian Chan

Carleton University

Jim Davies

Carleton University

Adam Davies

University of Guelph

Fernanda del Monte Martínez

17, Institute of Critical Studies

Rumina Dhalla

Rumina Dhalla

University of Guelph

William Echard

Carleton University

Sherry Farrell Racette

University of Regina

Daniel Fischlin

Daniel Fischlin

University of Guelph

Meghan Forsyth

Memorial University

Ichiro Fujinaga

Ichiro Fujinaga

McGill University

Craig M. Gelowitz

University of Regina

ian gold

Ian Gold

McGill University

James Harley

James Harley

University of Guelph

ajay heble

Ajay Heble

Founding Director

Lawrence Hill

University of Guelph

John Hollenbeck

McGill University

Mervyn Horgan

University of Guelph

Troy Hourie

University of Guelph

Elizabeth Jackson

Elizabeth Jackson

University of Guelph

Shoshanah Jacobs

University of Guelph

Richard Kotowich

Independent Researcher, Community Development

Laura Levin

York University

eric lewis

Eric Lewis

Site Coordinator, McGill University

Saara Liinamaa

University of Guelph

George Lipsitz

George Lipsitz

Site Coordinator, University of California, Santa Barbara

Brittany Luby

University of Guelph

Charity Marsh

University of Regina

Benjamin Mayer-Foulkes

17, Institute of Critical Studies

Shauna McCabe

University of Guelph

Marta McCarthy

Marta McCarthy

University of Guelph

Judi McCuaig

University of Guelph

person in black shirt smiling at the camera

James McGowan

Carleton University

Kimberley McLeod

University of Guelph

Kevin McNeilly

Kevin McNeilly

Site Coordinator, University of British Columbia

Beatriz Miranda Galarza

17, Institute of Critical Studies

Michael Mopas

Carleton University

Ingrid Mundel

University of Guelph

Erin Parkes

University of Ottawa

Sarah Power

Memorial University

sara ramshaw

Sara Ramshaw

University of Victoria Faculty of Law


Carla Rice

University of Guelph

Kathryn Ricketts

Kathryn Ricketts

University of Regina

Christian Riegel

Campion College, University of Regina

Katherine Robinson

Campion College, University of Regina

Dylan Robinson

Queen's University

Matthew Rodger

Queen's University of Belfast

Ana Ruiz

Independent Group, Free Jazz Group

tom scholte photo

Tom Scholte

University of British Columbia

Franziska Schroeder

Queen's University of Belfast

Sara Schroeter

University of Regina

john semple

John Semple

Women's College Hospital, University of Toronto

Gillian Siddall

Gillian Siddall

Emily Carr University of Art + Design

Sharada Srinivasan

University of Guelph

A black and white portrait of Andrew Staniland.

Andrew Staniland

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Paul Stapleton

SARC, Queen’s University Belfast

Michelle Stewart headshot

Michelle Stewart

University of Regina

Jesse Stewart portrait

Jesse Stewart

Carleton University

An image of Sherrie Tucker using the AUMI system.

Sherrie Tucker

University of Kansas

Shawn Van Suys

Shawn Van Sluys

Executive Level Partner, Musagetes Foundation

Andrew Vardy

Memorial University

Marcelo Wanderley

McGill University

ellen waterman

Ellen Waterman

Carleton University

Simon Waters

Queen's University of Belfast

Daniel Weinstock

Daniel Weinstock

McGill University

Alyssa Woods

University of Guelph

Katherine Zien

McGill University

Partners (Improvising Futures: 2022–2027)

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