Panel: Musical Radicalism and Social Activism (GJFC 2013)
The Musical Radicalism and Social Activism panel was presented during the 2013 Guelph Jazz Festival Colloquium.
Moderator: Lauren Levesque
Charlie Bramley (School of Arts and Cultures, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK), “Too Important to Be Left to the Musicians: Creating Alternative Musical Knowledge(s) through unMusical, Improvised Activism”
Craig Pollard (Culture Lab and the International Centre for Music Studies, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK), “Subversion is Fertile: Happenings, Fabulations and DIY”
Chris Tonelli (Improvisation, Community, and Social Practice, University of Guelph), “Improvised Soundsinging and the Police”
Kimberly Teal (Ethnomusicology), “Outsiders Looking Out: The Stone and the Maintenance of Marginality”