Research Library

As part of our commitment to making our work and outputs accessible, and to generate further dialogue on the issues we explore, IICSI has created an online Research Library. Here you will find a range of pieces including films, articles, think pieces, and interviews. Please use the search function or browse, and check back again as this library will be updated regularly.

Research outcomes related to the Improvisation, Community, and Social Practice project (2007-2013) are forthcoming.

A cover image with the text: select bibliography of research products and creative outputs

Select Bibliography of Research Products and Creative Outputs, April 2022 to October 2024

IICSI’s research outcomes during the first half of our SSHRC PG (2022–2027)—Improvising Futures (IF)—including free form-digital toy (video game), critical theory, reports, films, summer camps, and community programs—have been broadly shared via our peer-reviewed journal, research websites, ongoing annual conferences across multiple sites, our book series with Duke University Press, and hundreds of other peer-reviewed publications. Our team has also organized and hosted improvisatory arts festivals, workshops, talks, residencies, performances, and more!

Colin Harrington graphic for Thinking Spaces: Improvisation in Sequence-based Electronic Dance Music. A black and white photo of Colin is placed in front of colourful circles and squiggly lines. Thursday, February 8, 12 pm (ET).

Thinking Spaces 2023–24: Colin Harrington

The culture and technology of Electronic Music has seen tremendous developments over the last decade. Thanks to the increased availability, affordability and accessibility of equipment, the artform’s popularity has exploded worldwide. One booming area is that of “Sequencer-based Improvisation”, which entails the synchronizing of one or more instruments together via a “Master Clock”, then using sequencers, sound design, audio mixers, and effects, to spontaneously compose fluid and spontaneous music in real-time.

IICSI Research Studio Session Graphic for the Keynote Presentation by Rashida K. Braggs: Amber in the City of Light. A black and white image of Dr. Braggs is punctuated with colourful polka dots. Amber in the City of Lights, by Dr. Rashida K. Braggs. Friday, April 12, 2024. All Day Event. Keynote at 9:00 AM (ET), Student Presentations to Follow. The event is Free and takes place in ImprovLab.

Thinking Spaces 2023–24: Dr. Rashida K. Braggs

Dr. Rashida K. Braggs screens and discusses “Amber in the City of Light,” a solo multimedia performance that shares and re-envisions the experiences of Black African diasporic women jazz artists who have migrated to Paris, France. Culling original interviews, field notes and archival research, Dr. Rashida K. Braggs enacts multiple narratives through an embodied performance that merges original song, dance, poetry and theatre.

Zahra Habib graphic for Thinking Spaces: Lunar Rotations: Eternal Eleutheria. The poster features a black and white image over Zahra surrounded by clourful text, pola dots, and squiggles. Wednesday, February 28 at 2 PM (ET) @ ImprovLab (108 Mackinnon)

Thinking Spaces 2023–24: DJ Zahra Habib

DJ Zahra Habib takes you on the cosmic experience that is Lunar Rotations, blending musical selections with narrative overtones that connect the sounds with the theme of arriving at an eternally internal freedom: Eleutheria.

A woman wearing a hat is pictured in the centre of the graphic. The hat is tilted downwards and obscuring part of her face. Colourful dots and lines decorate the image. Thinking Spaces: The improvisation and reading group speaker series. "Improvisation, plantation societies, and difficult conversations. Marsha Hinds Myrie. Wednesday, March 29, 2 pm.

Thinking Spaces 2022–23: Marsha Hinds Myrie

The stated purpose of the International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation is “…to create positive social change through the confluence of improvisational arts, innovative scholarship, and collaborative action.” The purpose of this talk is to invite partnership and mutual sharing in Critical Studies in Improvisation to imagine uses and expansion in plantation societies.  Using art to confront complicated social issues is a long accepted and well received practice in plantation societies. Drumming, calypso, reggae music and parodies have been used by populations where other forms of expression such as newspapers and even social media are heavily policed to control dissent or calls for justice. 

Rebecca Barnstaple graphic for Thinking Spaces. Black and white photo of a woman with short, blonde hair smiling in the middle. Colourful squiggles and dots decorate the graphic. Thinking Spaces: the improvisation and reading group series. Fidelity for the irreplicable: Improvisation in dance and health research. Rebecca Barnstaple. Wednesday, March 15, 2 pm ET.

Thinking Spaces 2022–23: Rebecca Barnstaple

Improvisation is a core element of some interventions in the emerging fields of dance for health and dance therapy, which have shown potential to slow progress or diminish symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alheimer’s. IMPROVment® is a dance-based improvisational movement practice for brain-body health developed at Wake Forest University. It has been used in several research studies, including a recently completed RCT (2017 – 2020) and a just-launched 5-year RCT investigating dose and frequency effects of dance interventions for adults with subjective memory loss. This talk explores how tools related to improvisation can be adapted to a research-ready scientific protocol while preserving their integrity and magic – includes a demonstration.

Graphic for the 2024 IICSI Research Studio Session. Firday, April 12, 2024. All Day Event. Keynote @ 9:00 AM (ET). Student Presentations to Follow. ImprovLab. Free.

2024 IICSI Research Studio Session Schedule

The 2024 IICSI Research Studio Session took place on Friday, April 12, at ImprovLab. The session began with a keynote presentation by Dr. Rashida Braggs, “Amber in the City of Light,” and continued with a full day of research programming.

Inspired, in part, by the “Three-Minute Thesis” competition for grad students, we hope that participants will respond to the challenge to present their work and its wider impact and implications in plain language in five minutes or less.

Campus Friends – “Comp Komp” (Audio Recording)

This soundpiece features the voices and sounds of Campus Friends students who participated in the inaugural Sounds Like Us workshops held at the Improv Lab from February-April 2024.

“Dive” into Ecological Awareness by Improvising Under Water

Contact and Flow Festival March 3rd-17th, 2024 – Bacalar, México By: Lucas Carravetta Just four hours beneath Cancún’s wild party scene, along the calm shores of a freshwater lagoon, international…

Big Ideas in art + culture + improvisation graphic for Vijay Iyer in conversation with Hafez Modirzadeh. Red latters over a whote background mark the series title; black letters mark the names of each participant.

Big Ideas In Improvisation 2023: Vijay Iyer and Hafez Modirzadeh in Conversation

On Saturday, October 21st, 2023, IICSI and Musagetes presented the Big Ideas in Improvisation lecture, “Vijay Iyer and Hafez Modirzadeh: in Conversation” as a part of IICSI’s fourth annual Improvisation Festival: IF 2023. The event was recorded in its entirety, and is now available to watch below.

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