Sound It Out
Through interviews with musicians and scholars in the improvised and experimental music world, Sound It Out explores the idea that new ways of interacting musically are also new ways of interacting socially. In listening to what is unfamiliar can we better hear the voices of others? Does creative risk-taking in music give courage to progressive political expression? Can judicious spontaneity in performance model the timely wisdom needed in our social institutions? Does improvised music preface grassroots democratic deliberation?
Sound It Out is produced and hosted by Rachel Elliott, PhD (University of Guelph), and is a fun, easy-listening exploration and reflection on the present, past, and future of jazz, creative, and contemporary music, and all nature of sound experiment.
Co-produced with the IICSI, Sound It Out airs on Guelph’s campus community radio station, CFRU 93.3FM, on alternating Tuesdays at 5pm.