Coming Soon! 24 Hours of Improvised Art
IF 2020, a 24-hour online improvisation festival, featuring 100+ unique, original performances by 150+ international artists of all disciplines, will take place this August. Presented by IICSI in partnership with festivals and community organizations around the world, IF will be free to stream online starting on August 8th at midnight, GMT (8pm EST on August 7 / 1 am GMT+1 on August 8). Find your local start time here!
While in-person arts festivals remain on hiatus, IF provides an alternative for people to come together and find solace and inspiration through art. Artistic Director Ajay Heble spoke with Rogers TV Guelph’s Jan Hamilton about the festival.
The festival will be streamed on the IF website. Confirmed artists include Ana Ruiz (Mexico); Dong-Won Kim (South Korea); George Chua (Singapore); Jimmy Weinstein and Lilly Santon (Italy); Evan Parker (UK); Satoko Fujii (Japan); Hamid Drake, Douglas Ewart, and William Parker & Patricia Nicholson (USA); and the Transnational Vocal Exploration Choir (Netherlands / UK / Canada). Canadian contributors include Anne Bourne, Jane Bunnett, Gordon Grdina, Helen Pridmore, François Houle and many, many others. Explore the full lineup on the website, or stay tuned to our social media to learn more about all the contributors to IF.