New Journal Issue
Critical Studies in Improvisation / Études critiques en improvisation are pleased to present Issue 15.1, a general issue of the journal addressing a range of topics in the field of improvisation studies. In his editorial—dedicated to founding editor Frédérique Arroyas—Kevin McNeilly explains: “the articles gathered in this issue of Critical Studies in Improvisation / Études critiques en improvisation chart aspects of emergence—a nascent sociality—in improvisational musicking.”
The issue features the following articles:
- Garrett Michaelsen: “Improvising a Music-Theory Curriculum”
- Peter J. Woods: “The Collaborative Pedagogies of Solo Improvisation”
- Sam McAuliffe: “Reassessing the Role of Subjectivity in Improvised Musical Performance”
- Lauren Levesque: “The Clock in the Living Room”
- Kathryn Ladano: “Our Instruments are Our Masks: Developing Communication Skills and Confidence Through Collective Free Improvisation”
- Jeremy Rose: “Three decades of The Necks: Reciprocal Patterns of Improvised Music and Organisational Behaviour”
In addition to these articles, the issue features a notes and opinions piece written by Noam Lemish, titled “Making It Up As We Go Along: Structure and Spontaneity in Musical Improvisation and Pedagogy.”
The issue also includes five book reviews:
- Carey West: “Voices Found: Free Jazz and Singing” by Chris Tonelli
- Mischa van Kan: “Vinyl Freak: Love Letters to a Dying Medium” by John Corbett
- Banjamin Barson: “Universal Tonality: The Life and Music of William Parker by Cisco Bradley”
- Jeff Schwartz: “Intents and Purposes: Philosophy and the Aesthetics of Improvisation” by Eric Lewis
- Marcela Echeverri: “Sudden Music: Improvisation, Sound, Nature” by David Rothenberg