2023 – Sound, Meaning, Education: CONVERSATIONS & improvisations
Sound, Meaning, Education: CONVERSATIONS & improvisations
International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation (IICSI) / University of Guelph, October 20-22, 2023
About SME 2023
Sound, Meaning Education (SME) brought together researchers, artists, and/or teachers for an in-person conference held at the University of Guelph, October 20-22, 2023. The conference gathered all manner of curricular innovators to share research/scholarship, pedagogical strategies, narratives/stories, performances, and imaginings for the purpose of building infrastructures that support sound and meaning explorations within teaching and learning contexts.
As an organization, SME responds to and is part of: 1) the sensory turn in the academy, 2) recent technological and experiential shifts in how music and sound are created/heard/disseminated, and 3) the re-orienting of human existences toward ecological resonance (SME Guiding Statement). The 2023 conference continued in these veins via a partnership with the International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation (IICSI) at the University of Guelph and co-convened with the fourth annual Improvisation Festival (IF). As such, the conference emphasized improvisations, as related to sound theory/research and pedagogical practice, along with CONVERSATIONS, as related to sound theory/research and pedagogical practice. To that end, three session types comprised the conference schedule: research talks (15 min + 15 min Q&A), interactive workshops (60 min), and improvisational performances (60 min).
The conference program can be found by following this link, and a complete list of abstracts and presenter bios can be found on SME’s google form.
Several presentations from SME 2023 are now hosted on IICSI’s Vimeo Page. Please follow the links below to watch and re-watch portions of the conference virtually.
- KEYNOTE: Jonathan De Souza: Improvising with Technology: Phenomenology, Pedagogy, and Performance
- Pantayo Kulintang: Queer Filipinx kulintang gong punks
- Milo Tamez: TALLER ABIERTO procesos composicionales “The Music Before The Music: A New Musical Onticism”
- Michele Cheng & Hassan Estakharian: MEOARK & The Regurgitator
- Michele Cheng: Incorporating journalism, improvisation, and technology in my creative works and teaching practice
- Kevin McNeilly: Sounding Living Song: Learning to Listen with Dálava
- Elk Paauw: Keying Into Ambient Music: Attending to Soundscapes as Phenomenological Practice
- Andrew Olmstead: Improvised Pedagogy: Creating Lesson Plans, Objectives, and Relationships with Students
We also invite you to visit the Sound, Meaning, Education website, where you can learn more about the organization and its pedagogical resources.
SME 2023 is grateful to the following sponsors and partners for making this event possible: The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, The International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation, the College of Arts at the University of Guelph, and the Kitt School of Music at Northern Arizona University.