
Musagetes Guelph Café – September 25-28, 2013

Performances / Workshops / Live Music / Discussions / Debates All events are free! Find the full program of events here. With performances, workshops, live music, discussions, hands-on publishing, outdoor…

Photo Recap: Guelph Jazz Festival Continues to Inspire at 20

The 20th Anniversary of the Guelph Jazz Festival and Colloquium was another resounding success. Over the last twenty years the Festival has burgeoned from what Artistic Director Ajay Heble describes…

ImprovNotes September 2013 Artist of the Month: Dawn of Midi

Dawn of Midi is an instrumental trio from Brooklyn comprised of pianist Amino Belyamani, bassist Aakaash Israni, and percussionist Qasim Naqvi. They make minimalist dance music that sounds as if…