Why Crepuscule 2015
Sound and stories are crucial spiritual, emotional and intellectual foods that we all must consume in order to thrive!
Crepuscule was conceived and developed to foster considerable interactions between diverse individuals and communities, and to create and discern greater social and anthropological implications and ramifications.
Crepuscule was initially conceived as a sonic experiment to see how we would experience a composed musical work with players stationed on land, and in boats on a lake.
I wanted to bring together diverse people and communities from all walks of life, in a massive and organized improvisation. I wanted to develop a work that required sustained and deep interactions and dialogues over days, weeks, months and years. I wanted to use every conceivable discipline/human practice as metaphors and coagulants/binding agent to accelerate understanding and change how we as humans view, perceive and treat each other.
I wanted/want Crepuscule to be a microcosm of what it is we are striving for as humans, which is hopefully to see the beauty in us as individuals and communities, and to recognize the spiritual, emotional and intellectual prowess in each other, and our mired cultures.
I want us to see/realize that life is rewarding and worth living even with its current obstacles and challenges, and to recognize the vast potential and possibilities for quantum development for all life on Planet Earth, if we share the wealth of the Earth in a more respectful, responsible, custodial and equitable manner. And that good health, peace, joys and happiness are attainable dreams, visions and realities.
I want us to realize the necessity to have a dynamic symbiosis between individuals and communities. The individual assist in creating a dynamic community and the community helps to create a dynamic individual. They are unified yet autonomous, unified yet diversified.
We are Homo-Sonic Beings (sonic organisms/structures), beings that must make and/or be exposed to sounds, and “Homo-Fictus, beings that must tell and hear stories in order to be healthy,happy, increase mental acuity, be smart, create practical/practicum and mythologies in order to survive and to thrive and creative lasting positive legacies.
Douglas R. Ewart
To learn more about Douglas R. Ewart’s finale event, visit the Crepuscule in Guelph 2016 event page.