Afterword: The AACM (as) Opera
IICSI researcher George E. Lewis announces that a live recording of his new opera Afterword, performed at the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival in November 2015, is being streamed on the BBC Radio 3 site, as part of its “Hear and Now” series. Afterword celebrates the work of the AACM. Directed by Sean Griffin, it features Joelle Lamarre (soprano), Julian Terrell Otis (tenor), Gwendolyn Brown (contralto), and the International Contemporary Ensemble conducted by David Fulmer. This live recording is expected to remain available online until mid-January.
George E. Lewis is a trombonist and composer and the author of the award-winning A Power Stronger Than Itself (U of Chicago P, 2008). George E. Lewis is Edwin H. Case Professor of American Music at Columbia University.