Anthony Braxton in Alabama
From Tuscaloosa, Andrew Raffo reports that composer/saxaphonist/philosopher Anthony Braxton was artist-in-residence at the University of Alabama in February. The residency included “Falling River Music,” a showing of Braxton’s graphic music scores at the university art gallery, which included work by University of Alabama art students Ausharea Adams, Mitchell Friest, Brittany Gunnells, Ali Hval, Patrick O’Brien, Jennifer Ocampo, and Seth Saunders responding to Braxton’s work. Braxton performed in a number of settings, including solo, trio, quartet, and septet; the University of Alabama Percussion Ensemble & Jazz Orchestra performed a concert of his compositions; and Braxton performed his “Pinetop Aerial Music” together with musicians and dancers. For more on the University of Alabama Sonic Frontiers Concert Series, please visit their website.