AUMI Consortium News
AUMI–CCC at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: At the Nov. 3 “New Instrumentation for Performance” Seminar at RPI, Henry Lowengard demonstrated the use of large balloons to transmit the vibrations of music and sounds. Please click for more information. Leaf Miller demonstrated the AUMI free application for desktop and laptop, and initiated a jam session with AUMI iPADs and laptops. Artist David Bobier, founder of VibraFusion Lab in London, Ontario presented to the NPI Seminar Oct. 26.
AUMI-McGill: Eric Lewis shares, “the most recent issue of Musicworks has an article on new music therapies, featuring AUMI, and the work of our team. We are applying for major funding for using AUMI and other adaptive creative tools towards helping individuals with disabilities integrate into the workforce.” Ivan Franco presented on AUMI at an international symposium, “Learning and Teaching Music in the Twenty-First Century: The Contribution of Science and Technology.”
AUMI-Thunder Bay: The team is conducting six workshops at Dawson Court Seniors’ Home in November and December, leading to a performance.
AUMI-KU InterArts. The first of a series of monthly “Do You AUMI?” community jam sessions was held at the Sound/Vision Studio in the Lawrence, Kansas public library on October 28. The sessions are co-sponsored by AUMI-KU InterArts, Independence Inc., a community resource center of the Lawrence, Kansas disability community, and the Lawrence Public Library. Follow this site for future links to recorded AUMI jams!
AUMI-Memorial. Ellen Waterman has kept up her AUMI connection during her research year in England, including it in a Nov. 12 talk to the Polynous group in Cambridge.