Critical Improv spalsh page image Improvisation and Global Sites of Difference, Vol 11, No 1-2

The newest issue of Critical Studies in Improvisation / Études critiques en improvisation has just been released! This special double issue, “Improvisation and Global Sites of Difference” was co-edited by Daniel Fischlin and Eric Porter. In addition to an editorial by Fischlin and Porter, the issue features writings by Eddie Prévost (Confronting a Darkening World: AMM at 50 Years—An Aesthetic Memorandum), Gigi Argyropoulou (Improvisational Practices in the Production of the Precarious Common Spaces on the Periphery of Europe), Jing Wang (Global Sounds and Local Sentiments: A Survey of Improvised Music in Contemporary China), Peter A. Williams (Keep That Lane Open!: Race, Space, and Mardi Gras in Kansas City), David Lee (“We Can Draw!”: Toronto Improvisation, Abstract Expressionism, and the Artists’ Jazz Band), Stefan Weghuber (Maracatu Rural: Improvisation as a Social and Cultural Practice), Harald Kisiedu (Sounding like a Mad Hatter: Ernst-Ludwig Petrowsky and the Beginnings of Jazz Experimentalism in East Germany), Eldad Tsabary (Improvisation as an Evolutionary Force in Laptop Orchestra Culture), and Scott Currie (The Other Side of Here and Now: Cross-Cultural Reflections on the Politics of Improvisation Studies).

Visit  to access Improvisation and Global Sites of Difference, Vol 11, No 1-2, and to listen to “Twelve Situations” performed by Li Jianhong.

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