IICSI in Regina: The Regina Improvisation Studies Centre
Rebecca Caines of the Regina Improvisation Studies Centre (RISC) reports that:
RISC researcher Charity Marsh organized a March 8 workshop on “Fighting Monkey” movement, which stresses the role of improvisation and intuition in the body’s reaction to diverse and urgent situations. In pursuing Fighting Monkey Practice, “… we create moments of gesture, dance and survival; complex dimensions of movement are discovered rather than taught.”
Dr. Caines and researcher Helen Pridmore spoke on Regina’s community radio station CJTR about the importance of improvisation as part of “Cultural Connection,” which runs every Tuesday (sponsored by RISC partner Common Weal).
RISC researcher Mark Campbell presents “Doing the Knowledge: The Politics of Archiving Canadian Hip Hop” on Tuesday, March 26th at 6pm, as part of the Flatland Scratch Seminar/Workshop Series at the Interactive Media and Performance Labs.
Researcher David Gerhard has joined IICSI’s Digital Tools committee to help guide digital research into improvisation. He will also be working with students at University of Regina on his new interfaces for musical performance.
RISC partners Wascana Rehabilitation Centre and the University of Regina continue their Improvising with iPads project with long term First Nations and Metis residents every Friday. A performance will be upcoming in the next month, and there are a number of research presentations on the project scheduled over the summer, directed by Rebecca Caines, Rick Kotowich and Amanda Schenstead.
Jo-Ann Episkenew, from RISC partner the Indigenous People’s Health Research Centre is working with RISC to start doing new research on IPHRC community art and health projects and has just employed a new student to help with artist interviews (watch this space!).
Researchers Kathleen Irwin and Rebecca Caines are working on a panel on improvisation at the Performing Turtle Island conference at First Nations University in September.