IICSI in Newfoundland
IICSI is pleased to announce that Dr. Harald Kisiedu, a postdoctoral fellow at Guelph in the 2015-16 year, has been awarded a second fellowship, to be held at the Memorial University of Newfoundland, for the 2016-17 year. Dr. Kisiedu is a historical musicologist who completed his PhD at Columbia University, under the supervision of George E. Lewis. His research interests include jazz as a global phenomenon, music of the African diaspora, black experimentalism, European post-war avant-garde, the intersection between music and politics, improvisation, transnationalism, and Wagner. Harald is completing a book project on jazz experimentalism in Germany between 1950 and 1975. We will miss Harald at Guelph and wish him a wonderful year in St. John’s!
IICSI activities at Memorial University of Newfoundland began with a talk by IICSI postdoctoral fellow Harald Kisiedu on September 21, as part of the Research Centre for Music, Media, and Place Music & Culture lecture series. An October 18 performance at the QEII Library included vertical dance by dancer-in-residence Julia Taffe, and writer-in-residence Sara Tilley reading from her novel Duke, as well as an ensemble of music students led by Ellen Waterman.