Job Posting: Student Marketing Coordinator – Guelph Jazz Festival
Job Title: Marketing Coordinator Total Hours of Work Available: 210
Application Due Date: Wed May 24 Wage: $11.40/hr
Contract Duration: Exact time frame to be determined. Start late May-early June.
Grant That Funds this Position: Canada Summer Jobs
Grant Restrictions: Candidate must be a post-secondary student intending to return to school in
September 2017, age 30 or under, and not an international student.
Job Location: Guelph Jazz Festival Office: #301 – 6 Dublin Street South, Guelph, ON, N1H 4L5,
Download the Job Posting as a PDF
The Marketing Coordinator (MC) will work closely with the Director of Operations (DO) on all aspects of marketing and promotion for the Guelph Jazz Festival. The MC will participate in the Marketing Committee.
This position is 100% supported by Canada Summer Jobs.
– Previous marketing experience an asset
– Must have knowledge of web site content management
– Must have knowledge of social media
– Excellent organizational skills; able to work within deadlines; detail oriented
– Proficiency in Microsoft Office programs and accessing the internet
– Able to work in small, busy, non-profit office setting
– Effective communication skills and able to work with a variety of people with enthusiasm
– Takes initiative, can work independently and is self-motivated
Responsibilities, Activities, Tasks:
– Work closely with the members of the Marketing Committee and the DO on all festival marketing
materials and promotional activities
– Oversee distribution of said materials by volunteers
– Ensure festival sponsors are given their due recognition in printed and digital materials
– Ensure content is uploaded to website in a timely manner and is accurate
– Assist with Twitter account and oversee Facebook and Instagram accounts
– Oversee media relations including communication with journalists, encouraging and organizing previews and reviews, facilitating interviews with artists, recruiting a photographer for the festival, and organize all media we obtain (print, digital, photos, etc.)
– Assist with writing and issue press releases
– In conjunction with the DO, determine what ads the festival will purchase, both in-kind and cash
– Work with DO on providing CFRU and CIUT with the most recent CDs of all our artists as well as providing a background binder that highlights each artist’s media addresses, band members, recent news, etc.
– Oversee e-newsletter including obtaining content and scheduling deployment
– Manage marketing budget by maintaining complete marketing chart
– Provide a report after the festival
– Assist with survey in Market Square
– Prepare M.C. scripts
– Arrange for bridge banner
– Perform other duties related to marketing, as assigned
Work Conditions
The Marketing Coordinator will work in the jazz office using a Festival computer or can use their own laptop. Scheduled hours of work will be flexible over the period between late May/early June and the end of the August. The MC will attend marketing committee meetings, weekly staff meetings, and reports to the DO.
Additional Information:
The Guelph Jazz Festival is an equal opportunity employer, and we encourage applications from women, Black, Indigenous and people of colour, people with disabilities, and people of diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions.
How to Apply:
Please email cover letter and resume (in Word or PDF format) to [email protected] and put Marketing Coordinator Application in the subject line. We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Applications must be received by Wednesday May 24, 2017, 11:59PM.
Contact person:
Julie Hastings
Director of Operations
[email protected]