Short Takes August 2017
From the August 2017 edition of Improv Notes. Improv Notes is edited and written by David Lee and assembled by administrative assistant Rachel Collins. If you have anything improvisation related that you would like included in the newsletter, please send an email to [email protected].
In the latest episode of Sound It Out, Rachel Elliott interviews Jason Robinson and Doug Van Nort on telematics: “Most of us know what it is like to maintain important relationships over distance through connective technologies like telephones and Skype calls. Tune in to Sound It Out to discover the ways that music played using such technologies helps illuminate […] what it means to be present with others.” Sound It Out airs every other Tuesday at 5pm on CFRU 93.3 FM, or can be streamed online via Sound Cloud on the IICSI website.
….. the USA’s Library of Congress has posted a blog entry by 2016-17 Library of Congress Jazz Scholar John Szwed. The author of books on such artists as Jelly Roll Morton, Miles Davis, Billie Holiday, and Sun Ra, Szwed describes his visits to the LOC’s Music Division, which has collections devoted to Dexter Gordon, Charles Mingus, and Max Roach. Thanks to Sara Villa for directing us to this link.
….. the editor of Improv Notes (since October 2014) wishes to announce that he is now Dr. David Lee, having completed his PhD in Literary Studies and Theatre Studies in English at the University of Guelph. In June, David successfully defended his dissertation, Outside the Empire: Improvised Music in Toronto 1960-1985.
….. a recent Longreads story by Aaron Gilbreath, “The Brief Career and Self-Imposed Exile of Jutta Hipp, Jazz Pianist” is a fascinating story of performance anxiety, postwar Europe, long-deferred royalties, and the life of Jutta Hipp, a talented jazz pianist—who was also female, and German—in the New York jazz milieu of the 1950s.