
IMPR 6030: Research Methods Symposium

The University of Guelph’s newest IMPR cohort—Georgia Simms, Mark Leroy, and Simon Flint—have been hard at work this semester thinking and writing their way through their research topics, questions, and methodological frameworks. A significant part of research, especially in its early stages, is to come together to listen, share ideas, locate convergences, offer critique, and grow together as a supportive scholarly community.

Each week this semester we have been engaged in such activities. Now, we are pleased to invite the wider research community to join us for a few hours as the three present their work. Presentations will be twenty minutes with an additional ten to fifteen minutes allotted for Q&A.

Symposium: Legacies of Pauline Oliveros

On November 3-4, 2017, the Conservatory of Music of Brooklyn College will host the symposium “Legacies of Pauline Oliveros,” celebrating her pioneering practice.

Curating for Change: Transforming NL Communities Through Arts Festivals

This day-long symposium will feature presentations by researchers and music festival programmers from across Newfoundland to explore the potential of arts festivals to promote social change.

CFP: Crackdowns and Creativity Organizing and Resistance in 2017 and Beyond

OPIRG-Guelph welcomes proposals for the symposium Crackdowns and Creativity Organizing and Resistance in 2017 and Beyond

Symposium: The “Oxford Handbook of Critical Improvisation Studies”

With select contributors and respondents, George E. Lewis and Benjamin Piekut will present and discuss the handbook and the implications for improvisation in the wider contemporary realm.

Teaching Creative Jazz and Improvising Guitar Symposium: Presentations

A four day Teaching Creative Jazz and Improvising Guitar Symposium at the University of Guelph featuring: Ken Aldcroft, Sam Shalabi, Janet Feder, Ava Mendoza & Jared Burrows.

Teaching Creative Jazz and Improvised Guitar Symposium: Concert Series

A four day symposium of presentations & four nights of concerts Featuring Guitarists Ken Aldcroft, Jared Burrows, Janet Feder, Ava Mendoza and Sam Shalabi at Silence, 46 Essex St. Guelph , ON.