Dylan Robinson
Queen's University
Professor Robinson is a Stó:lō scholar who holds the Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Arts at Queen’s University, located on the traditional lands of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe peoples. His research has been supported by national and international fellowships at the Faculty of Music at the University of Toronto, in the Canadian Studies Program at the University of California Berkeley, the Indigeneity in the Contemporary World project at Royal Holloway University of London, and a Banting Postdoctoral fellowship in the First Nations Studies Program at the University of British Columbia.
Dr. Robinson’s current research project documents the history of contemporary Indigenous public art across North America, and questions how Indigenous rights and settler colonialism are embodied and spatialized in public space. Funded by the Canada Research Chair program, this project involves working with Indigenous artists and scholars to collaboratively imagine new forms of public engagement and create new public works that speak to Indigenous experience. Dr. Robinson is also an avid Halq’eméylem language learner. Yú:wqwlha kws t’í:lemtel te sqwá:ltset!