Kathleen Irwin
University of Regina
Kathleen Irwin (Doctor of Arts, Aalto University) is a professional scenographer, writer and educator (Head Theatre Department, University of Regina, Canada) whose practical and theoretical research focuses on site-specific practice, alternative performative spaces and performativity in cyberspace. As co-artistic director of Knowhere Productions, she has produced large-scale performances in an abandoned mental hospital and a brick factory. She presents frequently at conferences and has given workshops to students in Helsinki, Belgrade, Tallinn, Utrecht, Melbourne and Istanbul. Her research is published in Canadian and international journals and anthologies. She is Canadian Education Commissioner and co-chair of the History and Theory Commission for the International Organization for Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Technicians (OISTAT) and is on the Board of the Canadian Association for Theatre Research. She tutors with the graduate level Summer Academy for Artist Research, (Aalto University). Publications includeSighting / Citing / Sighting (Canadian Plains Research, 2009) and The Ambit of Performativity (University of Art and Design Helsinki Press, 2007).