Pauline Oliveros
(1932 - 2016), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Pauline Oliveros (1932 – 2016), was a distinguished composer and improviser who performed extensively locally and in many parts of the world in a variety of venues. She coined the term “Deep Listening,” which came from her childhood fascination with sounds and from her works in concert music with composition, improvisation and electro-acoustics. In 1985 she founded the Deep Listening Institute, Ltd. based in Kingston NY; and through her Deep Listening practice facilitated numerous workshops and intensives throughout the world leading to collaborations across many disciplines. She also created Adaptive Use Musical Instruments (AUMI), to enable artists with disabilities to improvise music. |
In 2009 Oliveros was honored with the William Schuman lifetime achievement award presented by Columbia University along with a three-hour retrospective of her music at the Miller Theater in New York in 2010. And in 2012, the Foundation for Contemporary Arts presented Oliveros with the John Cage Award at Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation in New York March 19, 2012.
Oliveros played a Titano acoustic accordion and the Roland V Accordion in her solo and ensemble improvisations. Her works are recorded and available through download sites, cassette, CD, DVD, and vinyl releases. For more information about Pauline Oliveros and her works visit her websites: and