The Liquid Arts Project: Exploring Live Painting & Mentorship
Liquid Art Improvised Painting in the Community, 18:29 minutes.
The Liquid Art: Improvised Painting in the Community was a project made up of a series of concerts, workshops, mentorship sessions, and an exhibition at the Hague Gallery, Creative City Centre in Regina Saskatchewan. It was a part of a practice-base research project in visual art, exploring art as a liquid form flowing between gallery and community.
The project explored live painting at concerts of improvised music, and at conferences where two emerging First Nations visual artists made their art live with audiences. They also took ideas of improvisation and applied them to building workshops in painting and mixed media with school students (including teenage mothers at school), many also of First Nations background, from local schools, Scott Collegiate and Balfour Collegiate. They were mentored in art and culture by established artists and traditional knowledge keepers. The exhibition, with an opening featuring live poetry and live painting, took place in the summer of 2016.